Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Bank On It

Every stream has a bank. The bank is the evidence that the stream has touched the land and carved its path through the earth's soil. Whether by strong rapids of high flood waters or the flow of gentle currents pressing against the dirt, clay, and rocks, the bank was formed yet remains ever subject to change.

When the phrase bank on it is used in MainStream's blog posts, it will refer to a place of stillness and contemplation about the evidence of God's hand at work which is fundamental to our spiritual journey. In most cases, it is our personal reflections on God's interaction with our lives and the community surrounding us....lives formed yet ever subject to tranformation by the powerful or gentle touch of the Master.

When we bank on it, it is our invitation to take a moment to consider the simple yet profound truths and pray for revelation and practical insight. "It suggests the idea of the astonomer, and the quiet, patient, persevering, concentrated gaze with which he seeks to discover all that can be possibly known of the stars which are the subject of his study." (Andrew Murray; The Holiest of All; pp. 103)

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